Today was Joshua's ABA day. This is one of those LONG days, since we do not have a van capable of riding on the highway to Johnson City. We woke up at 7:00 and got picked up by the transportation van at 9:00. We arrived at his appointment at about 9:40 or so, and had to wait til 10:30 in the office until the therapist got there.
The session went pretty well, and for the most part, Joshua behaved decently. One of the other ABA workers had brought in a computer for people to use while waiting in the office, and the internet wasn't working. So while Joshua's ABA was going on, I managed to get the problem fixed within the 2 hours that we were there.
We had over an hour wait after our appointment for the transit to pick us up, and then had to wait about 30 minutes more for the bus to get there. Joshua was a little antsy about having to wait so long and decided to recite Blue's Clues episodes and pretend like he was talking to Blue on his walkie talkie. A little embarrasing, but no biggie compared to many other things he could have been doing.
It was mostly okay once we were home, until we had to go out again to pick up a few necessities with the tiny about of money we had left. He started talking about Blue's Clues again, like it was real, and while trying get him to admit that it wasn't, he threw a yelling fit and kept smacking the seat while I was driving until we eventually got him to calm down. He was pretty mouthy for a while, but eventually settled down enough for him to pick out a snack in the store.
He was acting overly silly once he got home, bouncing around on his ball, without paying attention to where he was going and nearly running over his little brother. My wife eventually got him to relax and sit on the couch. Overall, it was a very long, but mostly good day.
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